DFTGCN530-Travel Safety (2 Hours)
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the threats that one can face while traveling and outline the proper precautions to help make your journey safe and enjoyable!
Intro Mod-Presentation
Welcome Video
Mod 1-Presentation 1
Article-CDC-Food Safety
Mod 1-Presentation 2
Video-Dr. Fraud-Hotel Safety
Mod 1-Presentation 3
Article-Travel Insurance Checklist
Mod 1-Presentation 4
FBI Business Travel Brochure
Mod 1-Presentation 5
Video-RFID Technology
Mod 1-Presentation 6
Mod 2-Presentation 1
Video-FCC-Fake Wi Fi
Mod 2-Presentation 2
Video-Dr. Fraud News-Skimmers
Mod 2-Presentation 3
Mod 3-Presentation 1
Video-Situational Awareness
Mod 3-Presentation 2
Video-Dr. Fraud SLAM
Mod 3-Presentation
Conclusion Presentation
Congratulations Video