DFTG345-Recorded Statement and Interviews (2 hours) This course will cover effective recorded interviews, tips and techniques for best results and lessons on recognizing, reading, and conveying verbal and non-verbal communications. Buy $50.00
1 Intro Module Welcome Video Intro Module- Power Point 2 Module 1- Overview of Recorded Statements Mod 1-Presentation 1 Mod 1 Video-Communication Styles Mod 1-Presentation 2 3 Module 2- Planning for the Interview Mod 2-Presentation 1 Video-10 Simple Ways to Tell If Someone Is Lying to You Mod 2-Presentation 2 4 Module 3- Communication Skills Mod 3-Presentation 1 Mod 3-Video-Body Language Mod 3-Presentation 2 5 Module 4- Methods to obtain Information Effectively Mod 4-Presentation 1 Article-Plaintiff Atty Mod 4-Presentation 2 Mod 4 -Learning Styles Quiz-Not Graded 6 Module 5- Initiating Your Questions for the Interview Mod 5-Presentation 1 Article-FRAUD MAGAZINE Mod 5-Presentation 2 7 Module 6- The Incident Mod 6 Presentation Mod 6-Video-Verbal Communication 8 Module 7- Tips & Techniques for a successful Interview Mod 7-Presentation Mod 7-Article-Effective-Listening Mod 7-Article-Strategies for Effective Listening 9 Module 8- Admissions/Confessions Mod 8-Presentation 10 Module 9- Review & Summary Conclusion Video Mod 9 Presentation 11 Final Exam Final Exam